Thursday, September 22, 2011

ഇമേജ് കോപ്പിയര്‍

 ഇമേജ് കോപ്പിയര്‍
Image Copier

To copy an image using reflection.

Materials Required:
1. Glass pane
2. Pencil/Pen


This is to make a device for copying images and drawings. A glass pane will reflect images like a mirror, especially when the far side of the pane is dark and the other side is illuminated. Place a glass pane to be supported vertically on a table, as shown. Place the image to be copied on one side of the glass, and a sheet of blank paper on the other. Sit on the side of the glass pane where the image is. Make the room dark except for one lamp that shines on the image. The image will seem to fall on the blank paper through reflection. The glass pane will be transparent enough for you to see your hand and pencil through to trace the image.

ഹീറ്റ് ഡിറ്റക്ടര്‍

ഹീറ്റ് ഡിറ്റക്ടര്‍
Heat Detector

To make a heat detector.

Materials Required:
1. Wooden box
2. Cardboard piece
3. Rubber band
4. Pin


Stretch a rubber band around the sides of a wooden box. Then cut out a arrow from the piece of cardboard and, mount it on a pin, and push the pin under the rubber band. If you now bring a burning match or candle close to the rubber band, the cardboard arrow will rotate anti-clockwise. Move the flame near the other end and the arrow rotates clockwise. The heat causes a portion of the band to contract, rotating the pin and arrow. This is because rubber contracts when heated and expands when cooled.

ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് സൈഫണ്‍

 ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് സൈഫണ്‍
Automatic Siphon

To make an Automatic Siphon.

Materials Required:
1. Glass tube
2. Bunsen burner


Take a single piece of glass tubing and with the help of a Bunsen burner, bend the tube into the shape indicated in the diagram. Allow it to cool. When the bent part is inserted in water the siphon will immediately start flowing. The siphon can also be made with a plastic drinking straw. The straws, cut to the proper lengths can be joined with adhesive to make the siphon.

സിമ്പിള്‍ സിനിമ

സിമ്പിള്‍ സിനിമ
Simple Movie Displayer

To make a simple Movie Pictures displayer.

Materials Required:
1. Sheet of paper
2. Pencil


Movies, TV and other motion pictures are an optical illusion produced by a series of still images projected sequentially and rapidly across the screen. The principle can be easily demonstrated with this simple Movie Pictures displayer. Fold in half a letter sized rectangular piece of paper. On the upper-half draw a cartoon face as shown and on the lower-half draw a slightly changed face.

Roll the upper-half into a tube. Hold your left finger on the upper left corner on a table, and use your right hand to rapidly roll & unroll the sheet using the pencil above the upper sheet, as shown. Move the pencil rapidly up and down, causing the upper sheet to unroll and roll up continuously. A Movie Pictures effect will be seen.

ക്രിസ്റ്റല്‍ ഫോര്‍മേഷന്‍

 ക്രിസ്റ്റല്‍ ഫോര്‍മേഷന്‍
Crystal Formation

To produce a large crystal of potash alum.

Materials Required:
1. Potash alum
2. Beakers
3. Glass rod
4. Piece of string


Put some finely-powdered potash alum into some distilled water in a beaker until a saturated solution is obtained. Heat the mixture until the solid at the bottom dissolves. Then allow the mixture to settle for a few minutes and then transfer the clear liquid to another beaker. From the crystals deposited, remove a single crystal that is well formed and suspend it from a glass rod in the saturated solution with a piece of string attached as shown. In order to get a large crystal, examine the crystal each day and remove from the solution any other crystal that may be formed elsewhere in the solution. Add more of the saturated solution from time to time to enable the alum crystal to grow to a large size. Repeat the experiment with other salts like copper sulphate, potassium chlorate, and nitre.

It is possible to grow a crystal of about one inch diameter. It is recorded that crystals of potash alum of more than three feet across have been prepared.

This experiment shows that crystals may be made to grow in size.


Production of Oxygen

To produce oxygen by Priestley's method

Materials Required:
1. Test tube
2. Glowing splint
3. Mercuric oxide


Place some red mercuric oxide in a small test tube and heat for several minutes. Hold a glowing splint at the mouth of the tube. Note what happens to the splint and watch the sides of the test tube.

You will notice that the glowing splint is relighted and tiny grey beads are produced on the sides of the test tube.

The gas that relights a glowing splint is the same gas obtained by Priestley when he heated red oxide of mercury. It is oxygen. The grey beads are beads of mercury.

ഓക്സിജനുണ്ടാക്കാം ലാവോസിയര്‍ രീതിയില്‍

ഓക്സിജനുണ്ടാക്കാം ലാവോസിയര്‍ രീതിയില്‍
Lavoisiers Process

Lavoisier's process to extract oxygen.


Antoine Lavoisier performed his classic twelve-day experiment in 1779 which has become famous in history. First, Lavoisier heated pure mercury in a swan-necked retort over a charcoal furnace for twelve days. A red oxide of mercury was formed on the surface of the mercury in the retort. When no more red powder was formed, Lavoisier noticed that about one-fifth of the air had been used up and that the remaining gas did not support life or burning. Lavoisier called this latter gas azote. (Greek 'a' and ' zoe' = without life). He removed the red oxide of mercury carefully and heated it in a similar retort. He obtained exactly the same volume of gas as disappeared in the last experiment. He found that the gas caused flames to burn brilliantly, and small animals were active in it as Priestley had noticed in his experiment. Finally, on mixing the two types of gas, i.e. the gas left in the first experiment, and that given out in the second experiment, he got a mixture similar to air in all respects. Lavoisier's experiments uses the scientific, method of finding out the nature of an unknown substance by analysis, i.e. breaking down, and synthesis, i.e. building it up again from its constituents. In his experiments Lavoisier analysed air into two constituents: the one which supports life and combustion, and is one-fifth by volume of air he called oxygen (Greek, oxus=acid, gen=beget), the other four-fifths which does not he called azote. This latter gas is now called nitrogen. From the two gases he synthesised something that has the characteristics of air. Lavoisier's experiments gave us the theory of combustion as we have it to this day: that when a substance burns in air, it combines with oxygen of the air and the product of combustion is heavier than the original substance.

വാച്ച് കോമ്പസ്സ്

വാച്ച് കോമ്പസ്സ്
Watch compass

To use a Watch as a Compass.

Materials Required:
1. Ordinary wristwatch


A watch can be used as a compass when the sun is visible to find out directions. To do this, hold the watch flat and then point the hour hand in the direction the sun is visible. Then visualize an imaginary line running from the centre of the watch through a point midway between the hour-hand and the number twelve. This imaginary line will point to the South. Note this rule: Before twelve noon, you have to bisect the angle formed by going anti-clockwise from the number twelve to the hour hand. After twelve noon, you have to bisect the angle formed by going clockwise from the number twelve to the hour hand.

The astronomical reason for this is in the Northern hemisphere, the sun is due south at noon. If at that time of the day, you point the hour hand at the sun, the hand and the number twelve both will point south. Before that time, the position of the sun will be anti-clockwise from the number twelve, and after that time, clockwise. Thus during the 24 hours from twelve noon to twelve noon, the sun will do a complete circle back to its original starting point, but the hour hand will make 2 circles in the same direction around the dial. Hence, the distance the hour-hand travels, and the angle determined by its travel, must be halved. On the Southern side of the Equator the number 12 must be pointed at the sun. The angle between this number 12 and the hour hand will then indicate the North direction.

കൈ കൊണ്ട് തൊടാതെ ഐസ് ക്യൂബിനെ ഉയര്‍ത്താം

 കൈ കൊണ്ട് തൊടാതെ ഐസ് ക്യൂബിനെ ഉയര്‍ത്താം
Lift an Ice Cube

To lift an ice cube from a glass of water using a string.

Materials Required:
1. Ice cubes
2. Glass of water
3. String
4. Salt shaker


In a glass of water an ice cube is floating. A piece of string a few inches long is provided. You have to lift the ice-cube from the glass of water with the string without touching the ice with your hand. Place the string across the ice-cube floating in the glass, as shown. Then sprinkle some salt on top of the ice-cube from the shaker. The ice surrounding the string will start to melt and it will extract heat from the surrounding water which will refreeze around the string. Lift the string after a minute or two. The cube will adhere tightly to the string and you will be able to lift the ice-cube easily.

വാട്ടര്‍ പ്രിസം

 വാട്ടര്‍ പ്രിസം
Spectrum through Water

To create a spectrum using water.

Materials Required:
1. Shallow bowl
2. Water
3. Mirror
4. Torch


To create a spectrum using water using a beam of light passing through water to form rainbow colors on the ceiling. Place a mirror in a shallow bowl of water bowl so that it is at an angle of about 30 degrees to the surface of the water. Make the room dark, and then shine the torch on the mirror. A small spectrum of colors will appear on the ceiling. The experiment shows that white light is composed of many different wave lengths, each belonging to a different color of the spectrum. The water acts as a simple prism, thereby refracting each wave length of light at a different angles to form the colors of the spectrum.

ഭൂ ഗുരുത്വത്തിനെതിരേ

ഭൂ ഗുരുത്വത്തിനെതിരേ
Anti-Gravity Machine

To make an Anti-Gravity Machine

Materials Required:
1. Two plastic funnels
2. Cardboard
3. Adhesive cement


To make an Anti-Gravity Machine that seems to work against gravity. When the machine placed at the bottom of a sloping track, it appears to run uphill against gravity. The machine is a double cone, easily made from two plastic funnels. Use adhesive cement to stick their rims together. The sloping track is cut from cardboard, which has to be adjusted to get the slope just right, since the gradient will depend on the size of the funnels. Place the track so the two sides are about an inch apart at the lower end, with a width at the other end equal to the length of the double funnels. When the funnels are placed at the bottom of this track, it rolls to the top. This is because as the funnels appear to move up, the increasing width of the track lowers the funnels so that its centre of gravity actually becomes lower.

വിറയ്ക്കുന്ന നാണയം

വിറയ്ക്കുന്ന നാണയം
Vibrating Coin

To demonstrate the expansion of air when heated.

Materials Required:
1. Coin
2. Bottle


Place an empty bottle in a refrigerator to cool it. When the bottle is cold remove it and put a coin on the opening as shown. Then dip your finger in water and place a few drops around the edge of the coin to seal the opening. Then place both your hands around the bottle, holding it firmly for about fifteen seconds. The coin will start to click up and down. Let it vibrate for a while, then remove your hands. The coin goes right on vibrating ! This shows the illustration of how air expands when heated. The cold air inside the bottle is warmed by the heat from your hands and the expanding air escapes around the rim of the coin causing it to vibrate.

ഫ്ലോട്ടിങ് ബോള്‍

 ഫ്ലോട്ടിങ് ബോള്‍
Floating Ball

To demonstrate the principle of air pressure.

Materials Required:
1. Plastic straw
2. Table-tennis ball


From the end of a plastic straw cut a 10 cm piece . Put one end of the straw in your mouth, tip back your head, and hold a table-tennis ball a few inches above the other end of the straw. Then blow as air hard as you can through the straw, simultaneously releasing the ball. The ball remains suspended in mid-air. The harder you blow, the higher it floats above the straw. The reason is that when air is in rapid motion, its pressure is lowered and the ball is actually imprisoned by the column of upward rushing air. As soon as it moves a bit to one side, the greater pressure outside the air stream forces the ball back into it again.

ഒരു പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് കുഴലും ഫണലും ഉപയോഗിച്ച് കമ്പ്രസറില്‍ നിന്നും വരുന്ന എയര്‍ കടത്തി വിട്ടാല്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ രസകരമായ ഫ്ലോട്ടിങ് ബോള്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കാം

പാസ്കല്‍ നിയമം

പാസ്കല്‍ നിയമം
Pascals Law

To demonstrate the Pascal's Law.

Materials Required:
1. Matchsticks
2. Bottle
3. Rubber balloon


The pressure applied to a confined liquid is transmitted equally to all parts of the liquid according to Pascal's law. This can be shown with an empty bottle, a few matchsticks and a balloon. Cut off the heads of the matches and then drop the heads into the bottle and fill the bottle to the brim with water and cover the mouth of the balloon tightly over the bottle's opening. The match heads will float on top of the water but when the finger pressed on the balloon diaphragm they will sink slowly to the bottom. When the finger is lifted, and the heads float up again. This is because pressure is transmitted through the water, forcing a small quantity of water to penetrate the edge of each match head. This adds enough weight to the match head to make it sink and when the finger is removed, there is enough air pressure inside the heads to force out the water and make the match heads rise.

കാപ്പില്ലറി ആക്ഷന്‍

കാപ്പില്ലറി ആക്ഷന്‍
Capillary Action

To demonstrate capillary action of cloth.

Materials Required:
1. Cotton cloth
2. Glass cups


Take a small piece of cotton cloth, dip it in water and wring it out. Then twist it like a rope and place it over the rims of two glass cups as shown. Ensure that the cotton cloth touches the bottom of the higher glass, but hangs only a short distance below the rim of the lower one. Then fill the top glass with water and wait 24 hours. All the water would move to the lower glass. The water is drawn through the cloth by capillary action which occurs in porous materials.

തോട് പൊട്ടാതെ പുഴുങ്ങിയ മുട്ട കണ്ടെത്താം

തോട് പൊട്ടാതെ പുഴുങ്ങിയ മുട്ട കണ്ടെത്താം
Inertia of Egg

To demonstrate the Inertia of an Egg.

Materials Required:
1. Raw & boiled eggs
2. Glass plate


A dozen eggs are placed on a glass plate and one of them eggs is hard-boiled while the rest are raw. How can you find the hard-boiled egg without cracking the shell ? By utilizing the laws of inertia. Try to spin each egg on the plate and the only egg that will spin readily is the hard-boiled one. With a raw egg, the inertia of its liquid inside the egg exerts a drag effect that stops the spin.

Saturday, September 17, 2011




A group of project advisors at Electronics Keralam identified the 10 best science projects for the school year 2010-2011 Not surprisingly, most of these projects are related to energy, environment and health. Selections are based on the educational value, attractiveness, versatility and availability of materials and equipment or kits. The 10 best projects are listed below:

Air Battery/ Saltwater Battery In this project you will experiment making electricity using a revolutionary method. You may call this air battery because it uses the oxygen from the air. You may also call it salt water battery because it uses a solution of salt water as electrolyte. 
The electricity you produce can be high enough to light up a light bulb. You can extend the power by adding oxygen. 
You can also perform experiments to see how does the amount of salt, the amount of oxygen, or the size of electrodes affect the amount of electricity or the battery life. Write your results in a table and use them to draw a graph. Recommended for ages 11 to 18. This is an experimental (investigatory) project. 

Wooden Generator In this project you will experiment making electricity by spinning a magnet inside a wire coil. This is the principle of electric generators. Make all parts using wood; only the magnet and wire will be non-wooden material. 
The electricity you produce can be high enough to light up a light bulb; however, it will just flicker if you spin the magnet by hand.
You can also perform experiments to see how does the number of wire loops or the diameter of wire affect the amount of electricity it produces. This is an experimental (investigatory) project. Recommended for ages 13 to 18.[See More Details]

Fruit Battery
(Make Electricity From Fruits)
Even fruits can make electricity and if you be lucky, you may even get enough electricity to light up a light bulb. The electricity produced by fruits can easily be measured using a multi-meter. In this project you compare different fruits for the amount of electricity they can produce. Find out if sour taste and acidity of fruits can contribute to the production of electricity. 
This project is a safe version of other battery projects that use corrosive chemicals.
The electricity from fruits is important because it also indicates the concentration of minerals available in fruits. You can also use this method to compare the quality of different potatoes or different oranges. This is an experimental (investigatory) project.
Recommended for ages 10 to 16. 

Make a DNA Model DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of all cellular forms of life. By changing parts of DNA, scientists are able to produce plants, animals and other live organisms with new properties and abilities. Genetically modified crops and genetically modified fruits are widely known and used.
For students who like biology and want to understand the structure of DNA, making a DNA model can be an exiting display project with special learning benefits.
A model can simply be made using foam balls. This can be a complete display project or an addition to any DNA related project. 

Starch test kit Starch test has been the most versatile science project in the past few years. Students can modify it and make totally new projects that are all based on starch test. Some variations of starch test program are:

  1. Test apple maturity.
  2. The effect of sunlight on production of starch on plants.
  3. Effect of enzymes on starch
In a basic starch test project you test different foods, fruits or products for presence of starch. Find out how widely the starch is used in different industries. You may expand the starch test topic to many new project ideas. For example you may research the effect of sunlight in production of starch or the effect of enzymes on starch. Determination of starch in foods is important due to dietary concerns of many people who are on a low starch/ low sugar diet. This is an experimental (investigatory) project.
Recommended for ages 10 to 16.

Air propulsion Motor Boats (Simple Electric Circuit)
Combine the joy and excitement of mechanical toys with your science project by constructing an air propelled motor boat. This is also a good way of learning about  simple electric circuits. Your boat will have a battery, a switch and a motor with propeller. This can be used as a science project related to electricity, force or floatation. This idea is good for a display project, an engineering project and an experimental (investigatory) project.
Finally you can make a vehicle that can drive both on land and in water. To do that simply attach the wheels to the sides of the boat. With your kit you may also receive four sheaves that may be used as wheels. Sheaves are almost like the ring in a bicycle; they are just missing the tiers. Students often use sheaves to make pulleys as a part of a simple machine project.

The Gauss Rifle
The Gauss Rifle also known as the Gaussian gun is a very simple experiment that uses a magnetic chain reaction to launch a steel marble at a target at high speed. This educational and amusing project is very simple to build (it only takes a few minutes), is is very simple to understand and explain, and yet fascinating to watch and to use.
When the gauss rifle fires, it will happen too fast to see. The ball on the right will shoot away from the gun, and hit the target with considerable force. Our one foot long version is designed so the speed is not enough to hurt someone, and you can use your hand or foot as a target.

Solar Car MiniScience's Solar Racer activity introduces students to alternative energy concepts while incorporating problem solving, design and modeling. In addition, students will experience using hand tools as they construct their solar vehicle.
Students can explore:

  • Propulsion types and drive concepts
  • Basic soldering techniques and electronic concepts
  • Alternative energies like solar power
The federal government has encouraged alternative forms of transportation due to a limited supply of oil and increasing environmental pollution. Solar cars are just one of many transportation concepts emerging. Solar cars use solar cell panels instead of gasoline as the fuel. As a result, exhaust fumes and oil consumption are eliminated. The solar cell panel generates an electrical charge that is stored in a battery and used to provide energy as the vehicle is driven. The lighter the vehicle, the less energy used and the farther the vehicle will travel. In cloudy days, or at night, energy can be drawn from reserve batteries. In the future, charge stations will be located on the road sides for quick battery charging.

Pulley Motor Car
Design ideas
This page provides some pictures and ideas on how a pulley motor car may be constructed. It is not meant to serve as a step-by-step recipe or assembly instructions. You may use these ideas to complete your own design and construct your own model of pulley motor car. Some pictures may show parts that are different in shape, size or color from what you may have in your kit.

Pulley motor car is an electric car using pulleys to transfer the mechanical energy from the motor to the wheels. MiniScience's Pulley Car activity introduces students to compound machines and simple machines including pulley, wheel and axle while incorporating problem solving, mechanical design and modeling. In addition, students will experience using hand tools as they construct their Pulley Motor Car.

Electromagnet An electromagnet is by far the most important electrical structure that exists in almost all electronic devices. Most of today's Radios, televisions, door bells, telephones, telegraphs and computers could not exist without electromagnets. 
In an electromagnet project, you may make some of the simple devices that use electromagnet; however the most important electromagnet projects study the strength of electromagnet. There is an electromagnet kit available at; however, many students may just purchase the magnet wire (27 AWG) and find other material (nail, battery,..) at home.